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Certification: Border Operations Management

The Border Operations Management certification program is self-paced and 100% online. It was designed to offer a customized professional development opportunity to DHS and industry personnel. It comprises four thematic entities, each of which comprises 3 certificates and approximately 42 hours to complete.

Each completed course offers 4.2 CEUs. Students obtaining all 12 certificates of the “Border, Trade, and Transport Security” program, will be awarded a total of 16.8 CEUs.

* Please note, once registered, it may take 1 to 2 business days to receive confirmation.

Course Work

Border Agencies and Strategic Border Management

Border Agencies and Strategic Border Management [Available] - $1500

  • Certificate Level 1: Border Operations
  • Certificate Level 2: Border Management & Best Practices
  • Certificate Level 3: Border Agencies (*Role and Responsibilities)

This course examines the notion of Border Management strategy, which is coordinated, integrated, unified, while spans across national and global partnerships. Fundamental principles to be analyzed lead to organizational excellence at a strategic, operational, and tactical level, aligned with the unique mission and vision of the DHS and its Agencies pertinent to the borders. Methods for ensuring the safety and security of the homeland and the society, while impeding the activities of transnational criminal organizations. Strategic synergies with selected public and private entities to enhance intelligence and investigative capabilities. Optimization of resources through a risk-based, layered defense of our borders. The Border Patrol’s Operational Control (OPCON) strategy, and the principles of situational awareness, response, and resolution, as well as impedance and denial. The use of state-of-the-art technologies and communication techniques to ensure stakeholder engagement.

Border Operations Management

Border Operations Management [Available] - $1500

  • Certificate Level 1: Borders and the Sovereignty of Nations
  • Certificate Level 2: Border Management & Operations
  • Certificate Level 3: America’s Borders: A Socioeconomic & Geopolitical Approach

This course introduces participants to the history, purpose, and benefits of borders and boundaries, while various case studies demonstrate the sovereignty of nations, trade agreements, and the geopolitical and socioeconomic implications.

The roles of borders change over time, depending on the challenges and opportunities each nation faces. This course discusses the management of borders following the nation-specific challenges and opportunities presented at various historical times and the government measures in monitoring and controlling the inbound and outbound flows of passengers and cargo.

Borders Security Technology

Borders Security Technology [Available] - $1500

  • Certificate Level 1: Borders Security Technology
  • Certificate Level 2: Borders’ Deterrence, Detection, Interdiction.
  • Certificate Level 3: Borders of the Future & Emerging Technologies

Border security is fraught with myriad challenges but many solutions. Governmental and agency policies, human and technological resources, political and public support, and physical environment along the border can impact mission effectiveness. This course emphasizes the critical analysis of many of these challenges through readings, videos, discussions, and, most importantly, student observations/experiences that impact mission effectiveness. Students will identify real-world mission challenges and effectively articulate remedies in an agency-like format through the development of white papers, PowerPoint presentations, and open discussions. This class emphasizes objective issue analysis and constructive self/classmate critique to obtain tangible and realistic challenge solutions.

Global Trade Policy on Ethics and Anti-Corruption

Global Trade Policy on Ethics and Anti-Corruption [Available] - $1500

  • Certificate Level 1: Global Trade Policy on Ethics and Anti-Corruption
  • Certificate Level 2: Global Trade and World Customs Organization Initiatives
  • Certificate Level 3: U.S. Federal Regulations on Business Ethics

This course provides a global, multi-faceted approach, investigating the ethical perspectives of moving travelers and cargoes across national borders. The course seeks to evaluate the best practices across numerous countries by analyzing policy and legal framework; identifying nation-specific challenges and opportunities which strengthen ethics and governance practices while strengthening the sense of social justice. Case studies from several nations demonstrate the consequences of ethics or lack of ethics in governance. Comparison and conceptual analysis of what is considered legitimate versus illegitimate. A vigorous empirical analysis of the ethical considerations on safeguarding national security, while honoring and protecting human rights. Examination of the transnational criminal organizations. Their role in unethical and unlawful activities.